6.I like her, even though she can be annoying at times.
7.A system of beliefs can bring you reassurance at times of stress.
8.He behaves very oddly at times— I don’t think he’s quite all there.
9.I may withhold the truth at times, but I stop short of actually telling lies.
我有时候可能不真话, 但事实上我不至于到谎地步。
10.Raising self-reliant children requires parents at times to lead with their heads and not their hearts.
11.These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict.
12.She quite forgot Hurstwood's presence at times, and looked away to homely farmhouses and cosey cottages in villages with wondering eyes.
13.The poems of this phase had generally a narrative thread that was reduced at times to a shadow-and they rambled gracefully, argumentatively, variously.
14.Concentrations of deicer and anti-icer components previously observed in airport effluents have, at times, exceeded the toxicity levels shown in results of this study.
15.These emotive textures also embrace a distinct British Isles influence that becomes danceable at times, and some classical orchestration that adds regality to the disc.
16.Since cordite burns at a greater rate at a higher pressure a relief valve must be used to allow generated gas to escape to atmosphere at times when the demand is low.